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Terms & Conditions

Stop Climate Chaos

Stop Climate Chaos is the UK's wide and growing coalition on climate change, bringing together environment and development organisations, unions, faith, community and women's groups. Members include Friends of the Earth, RSPB, Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Christian Aid, the Women's' Institute and UNISON.

It will inspire and enable the public - as individuals and communities - to demonstrate they want to Stop Climate Chaos and to take action to reduce their carbon emissions. Highlighting this public concern and commitment, it will encourage the public to tell the Government they must take action too, between now and 2010, to promote a fair and healthy world.

"I Count" is the public campaign through which Stop Climate Chaos will deliver these aims.

Internet Privacy Policy

Our icount.org.uk website is vital in communicating the importance of our work and encouraging support. We want our visitors to understand how we use the information you give us and how we will communicate with you in the future.

What information do we collect and what do we do with it?

We will use the personal details you give us to tell you about our work though email, to report on progress of actions to take to help stop climate chaos, and to allow communications from our member organisations if you approve this.

We will keep the data you provide for as long as we are required by law or for as long as is reasonable. Data may have to be disclosed to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you give us your name and email address you will be emailed with information about our work UNLESS you indicate this would be unwelcome. We may pass your personal details to the member organisation who referred you to us, but only if you give us the authorisation to do so at registration. We will never sell or rent your personal data to other organisations.

Every subscriber has the opportunity to opt out of these exchanges at the point of registration. You will be given frequent opportunities to opt out of any use of your personal data that you might be uncomfortable with or unsubscribe from email communications.

If you provide us with sensitive data such as details about your "I Count" steps, then you are consenting to that data being recorded.

If you provide us with information about another person, you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent to the processing of their personal data and that you have informed them of our identity and the purposes (as set out above) for which their personal data will be processed.

We do not and have no plans transfer data to countries outside the UK and will change our privacy policy should this situation change.

Member organisations

A full list of member organisations is available on the Stop Climate Chaos website.

Children's Privacy

We do not collect or record any individuals age, if you do receive inappropriate mailings please contact us and we will endeavour to ensure they are suppressed.

Visitor activity analysis

We look at what pages visitors view and when. This helps us build up a picture of what interests our visitors and how we can use our space to maximum advantage. Most of this information is anonymous i.e. we may know that 200 people visited the Privacy Policy page today but we will not have any personal details on the actual visitors.


We use permanent cookies at the point of registration to help you log back in to your personal action page.

Access to your information

Feel free to tell us, at any time, if you do or do not wish to receive certain types of communications.
We strive to keep our records up to date. Please write or email us at [email protected] with any changes to the personal details you have previously supplied.

On receipt of a cheque for £10.00, proof of identity, and a written request you may have a copy of any information that we hold about you. Please e-mail [email protected] or write to:

Data Protection,
Stop Climate Chaos
2 Chapel Place

We will reply within forty days.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy may change from time to time. A "new" icon at the top of this page will notify changes. The icon will remain in place for one month after the change occurs.


We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any site we link to.