The Climate Change Bill is set to become law by the summer but it's still not strong enough. Come and make your voice heard.
1. Come to the public meeting to show you want a stronger Climate Change Bill - it is free and no booking is required
2. Bring others (friends, family, neighbours, colleagues) - it is crucial this event is packed.
Climate change is the greatest challenge we are facing today. Wealthy nations must reduce their emissions or dangerous levels of warming will occur. Due to a huge campaigning effort from by I Count the Climate Change Bill is currently making its way through Parliament, and will be law by summer. It will be the first law of its kind in the world, giving the government legally binding targets on reducing UK carbon emissions.
BUT currently the Bill is critically flawed. The coalition of organisations behind the Bill are calling on the Government to support 2 needed changes:
1. An overall emissions reduction target of at least 80% by 2050 - the latest scientific evidence states that it must be this.
2. The inclusion of our international aviation and shipping emissions in the targets - otherwise the Bill will be like a drink-driving law which does not count whisky.