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Why you were here...

  N Khanom

Nurjahan Khanom, 22, from East London
'The biggest threat this world faces is climate change and politicans need to do something about it...NOW'

Andy Cummins

Andy Cummins came from Truro with 10 others
'I want to see a reduction in CO2 and get the government to actively work against the threat of raw sewage due to rising sea levels'


The Clarke family               

Paul Clarke from Manchester
'This is my kid's future - I am so glad they are here to say they count'.

Hannah Clarke, 12, from Manchester
'I am here because I want to stop the world from being polluted'.

Sarah Clarke, 14, from Manchester
'I am here because I would like to enjoy what the world has to offer and I can't if it's being destroyed'.

Liza Dysch, 13, from Manchester
'I am here basically to help save the world. Global warming will affect us - the young people of the world'.  

Daryl Newman, 13, from Manchester
'I'm here to stop climate change and also to hear the speakers'.

J. Bromhall from Manchester
'The major message of today is that the message is getting through - and we can DO it. It's not too late to halt climate chaos'.

the clarkes