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Frequently Asked Questions - I Count Map

What does it mean to be ‘on the map’?   

You’ll be able to see who else is out there.  You’ll see who’s sticking their neck out, putting on jumpers and changing leccy supplier, hassling their MP.  And this is only the start.  Soon you’ll be able to do stuff like click and contact people through the map - and make things really start to happen.

When you sign up to appear on the map, you will be asked to provide:

Information displayed on the map will be your map name, the first section of your postcode and the actions to which you have signed up (see here ).  It will also show the estimated amount of carbon you have saved through your pledges. (We have not been able to give carbon weightings to every action).

How do I sign up?

Only people who have registered with www.icount.org.uk are able to sign up to the map.

>> Click here to get onto the map!

How do I take myself off?

To take yourself off the map please email [email protected] with subject line 'Please take me off the map', or follow the link on the next to the map itself.

How will we respect your personal information?

Information displayed on the map will be your map name, the first section of your postcode and the actions to which you have signed up (see here).  It will also show the estimated amount of carbon you have saved through your pledges. 

Your full name, full postcode or email address will never be made public.  Your personal data will never be sold or rented to any other organisations or made available to other individuals.  If you sign up to make pledges or take actions on this website, you are consenting to that data being recorded.

We will keep the data you provide for as long as we are required by law or for as long as is reasonable.  Data may have to be disclosed to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

From time to time we will review the map and may decide to add elements that provide enhanced functionality.