From giant inflatable aeroplanes and effigies of Gordon Brown to 12 ft coal power stations in Parliament Square, supporters of I Count’s Week of Action (30 March – 5 April 2008) will be participating in hundreds of UK-wide events to make sure their local MP supports a Climate Change Bill with bite.

Supporters of I Count, the campaign of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition, have been ramping up the pressure to get a strong climate change law over the past 12 months. This week politicians will be feeling the pressure in their own constituencies where events and activities will be demanding that they support a tougher Climate Change Bill. Ashok Sinha, Director of the I Count campaign said. “The groundbreaking Climate Bill must protect us from the dangerous 2 degree C tipping point and commit to at least an 80% carbon dioxide reduction target by 2050 as well as include aviation and shipping emissions.”

The Climate Change Bill Week of Action activities include:
Christian Aid supporters will propose on bended knee with a giant diamond ring to demand that their local MP commits to a strong Climate Bill
UK student group, People & Planet will erect a twin towered 12ft coal power station on Parliament Square with masked Gordon Browns ‘burning’ a mock Climate Bill on Fossil Fools Day, followed by a mass lobby of MPs
the Campaign Against Climate Change will also converge on Parliament Square on 5 April demanding that aviation and shipping are included in the Climate Bill;
Word Development Movement and Friends of the Earth local groups will collaborate on 5 April with effigies of Gordon Brown playing with a giant inflatable aeroplane branded with ‘climate change kills’ in the London and Brighton area

Information of other activities which have been organised around the country can be found on the I Count events map at

Note: We tried to recover the news from 28 March in order to spread the word!

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