We are 190,402
people and counting
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Hello you! You're doing some irresistible stuff

And it's working. Just look at the count - the bigger it gets, the more visible we get. And the more visible we get, the more politicians will have to listen. And the more the politicians listen, the more than happens to stop climate chaos. Simple, really.

Now, what do you fancy doing next?

Make the switch to green power

Switching to a green energy supplier is one of the biggest things you can do to cut your carbon footprint. Why, you might even save a few quid too.

Grow the Count


By signing up to say I Count you've started to be pretty irresistible. But don't keep it to yourself, share it! So pass the message on and get your friends to join the count.

Give the Bill some balls

To ensure the Climate Change Bill has balls, we're asking you to put the virtual squeeze on your MP by sending him or her an email. Simply click on the link below, read what we’re asking for and, if you’re happy with it, press send.

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